Wednesday, April 12, 2006

When your best friends start going out...

Today almost succeeded in being 'just another day'. But there was a huge surprise, or rather
shock, waiting for me at the end of the day. My two best friends have confessed their love for
each other to... well, each other. Its almost too wierd for me right now imagining those two
going for it. Lets call the guy X and the girl Y. Well, X and me have been closest buddies since
the first time we met, which was around three years ago. We also met Y at around the same time. Y is a sweet girl, but going by the kind of relation all three of us shared, I could never have
even dreamt about X and Y going out together... its like a part of my life is going to be changed
completely from now on... I can never talk to X about Y the way I used to earlier (don't get any
ideas, Y), and probably X will be a changed person too from now on... I think in a way I am
scared that I could be losing two of my best friends. They'll be needing more time for each other
now... and I guess that time will come out of the time which was earlier cut out for me...

I might be sounding paranoid, but believe me, it is a real shocker when your two best friends
start going out... you have to start thinking about them in a way you've never thought before. The change is sudden, and its huge. And this thing really hit us all right out of the blue. Till yesterday, everything was absolutely normal, and today, the world decides to take a spin in
the opposite direction... phew, its gonna take me some days till I get used to this

But hey, don't read me wrong guys(specially X and Y), I might be sounding a tad negative in the above paras, but thats just coz, well, you yourselves know how big a thing this is for me, heck
for all of us... I just hope that you guys have a great future together. Cheers!!


Blogger Roo said...

chuck it guy!
[you must have by now, its a year almost:P]
the thing is, THEY know that its a big thing for you, and the fact that you've been affected would make them realize their own importance..well yeah.. and come to think of it, you guys have been friends forever!The gurl knows ALL bout the guy!!She'll dump him soon man!:P
and they'll be all yours again..
and you guys can live happily ever after heh..
chao n have an amazin year:D

9:21 AM  

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