Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Here it is... my first blog post. The concept of blog seems a bit wierd to me... Its almost a very impersonal thing... your thoughts are up for the world to see, comment on, smirk on, and you wouldn't even know who's reading you. I've always been apprehensive when it comes to writing blogs... Sure I enjoy reading other people's blogs but when it comes to writing my own stuff, my mind gets filled with toughts that whatever I write is going to be visible to a huge network of people who will judge me on the basis of what I write, and if I write something stupid, they may never read me again... hah, I'm scared of people reading and not-reading my blog at the same time... and then there's comments... if some idiot out ther posts a comment that I'm a fool and that my thoughts match with those of a lice picking monkey... its gonna be pretty demoralizing.

But here I am anyway... for I've found blogs to be a nice outlet for your innermost toughts to the world in the most anonymous way... and maybe also find a few likeminded people along the way...

Well, I hope I'm gonna enjoy blogging as much as I do reading them...


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