My entire social life is governed by inhibitions and preconcieved notions. Which probably explains why I don't have a social life. Whenever I meet a new person, espcially a female new person, I become too concious of myself. My mind starts scrutinising everything that I'm doing, the words that come out of my mouth, every single movement of my body, everything. I'm scared too come off too strong, and at the same time I don't want to go unnoticed. In short, I lose everything that comes naturally to me. Negative thoughts start formulating in my mind, and so even if the person in front of me tries to make conversation, I give back bland monosyllabic answers which erases any further potential for conversation. So, in the entire process of trying not to look like a fool, I end up looking completely like a fool. *sigh* and the worst part is I don't even realise all this till the person has left and half an hour has passed away. And this keeps happening again and again, and again. So basically I'm making this post right now because the above mentioned process has taken palce today(for the umpteenth time) and I'm feeling like an idiot, and contemplating how to prevent it from happening again. Any suggestions?
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